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March 2022 Garden Talks Workshop on “Seed and Soil” – Escalante Community Garden

Escalante Community Garden

Join Keep Tempe Beautiful on Saturday, March 12th at 10 am to learn about sustainability.

Community Leaders will be presenting at Escalante Community Garden (Located behind the Escalante Community Center at 2150 E. Orange St) each month on a different topic.

This month’s topic is: Seed and Soil workshop. Seed saving from Winter plants and planting Summer seeds. How to Prepare Soil Between Growing Seasons.

Feel free to come by earlier to help volunteer in the garden or get a garden tour.

Garden Tours start at 8 am

Workshop Starts at 10 am


You are welcome to sign up for just the workshop or in any time slot before volunteering at the garden.


Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on SignUp.com

Keep Tempe Beautiful
