Clark Park Community Garden
In 2009, the Clark Park Pool was decommissioned and deemed unsafe for use. A group of neighbors around the park came together with ideas on what to do with the space.
After a couple years of planning with the City of Tempe, Clark Park Community garden opened in 2014. Working together; Keep Tempe Beautiful, the Clark Park Community Garden volunteers and the City of Tempe are excited about the new permanent location on the North Side of the Park, which reopened early 2023.
The garden is volunteer run by a dedicated volunteer committee. We have 22, 4x8rental boxes for new gardeners. The beginnings of a Food Forest and several communal beds that support our subscription Farm Bag program that supports our efforts and local farmers while helping provide food security for our neighborhood.
Additionally, we have educational classes and volunteer opportunities on Saturday Mornings. On the 2nd Saturday of the month, KTB highlights a local expert to discuss various ways to grow in our unique desert climate.

Volunteering At Clark Park Community Garden
Thanks for being interested in volunteering! We always have projects to work on. Our volunteer workdays are Saturday mornings, as early as we can wake up and as late as the temperature is tolerable. We have lots of gardening equipment, so all you need to do is show up.
Below is our calendar of special events. You can also show up at the garden Saturday at 7 am on CSA weeks and 8 am on other weeks. We always have things to do!
Connect With Clark Park Community Garden
How to Find Us:
We have moved! The Garden is on the north side of the park now at 1740 S Roosevelt Rd, tempe AZ. The parking is on McKemy.