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October 2021 Monthly Community Garden Volunteer Day – Escalante Community Garden

Join Keep Tempe Beautiful on Saturday October 9th to help build our community through sustainable gardening.

Community Leaders will be presenting each month at 9am at the garden on a different topic.

This month’s topic is: Tree Planting Workshop


Here is more information on what we will be working on:

Escalante Community Garden (Located behind the Escalante Community Center at 2150 E. Orange St)

o Learn about Gardening

o Harvesting Produce

o Moving Dirt, Compost, and Mulch

o Painting Beds

o Clearing Weeds

o General Clean-up and Maintenance


No need to bring tools; however, gloves, hats, and drinking water are recommended. Your time slot will start and end on time; we won’t ask you to stay longer.

You are welcome to sign up for one session or multiple.

Signup at: https://signup.com/go/DkuOiSg

Keep Tempe Beautiful
