Welcome to Tempe’s Treasured Trees Project
Discover, Celebrate, Connect: Join us in a city-wide initiative to identify and honor 24 of Tempe’s most remarkable trees. These trees stand out due to their beauty, history, or ecological significance, and we need your help to find and celebrate them!
How You Can Participate:
- Nominate a Tree: Is there a tree in Tempe that stands out to you? Nominate it to be one of our 24 Treasured Trees by November 2024. Share with us what makes this tree unique and how it contributes to the character of our community.
- Engage with Our Treasured Trees: Once selected, these trees and their stories will be accessible for all to visit and appreciate. These living landmarks are not just to be observed but experienced providing a touchpoint to our natural and cultural heritage.
Project Timeline:
- Nominations Open: Now through November 2024. Help us discover trees that have a story to tell.
- Selection of 24 Finalists: By December 2024, we will finalize our list based on community input and the significance of each nomination.
- Documentation and Celebration: Each selected tree’s story will be carefully documented, with final stories unveiled in March 2025 during a special public event in Arbor month.
Why This Matters:
- Preserve Legacy: By documenting the stories of these treasured trees, we ensure their legacies are known and celebrated for generations to come.
- Educational Opportunities: Learn about local ecology, history, and conservation through the stories of these trees.
- Community Connection: These trees are landmarks in our daily lives; recognizing their significance helps foster a sense of community and belonging.
Join the Celebration: In April, during Arbor month, we’ll host a celebration event where we’ll unveil the stories of the 24 Treasured Trees. This event will highlight the crucial role these trees play in our community and offer a chance for all to connect and celebrate together.
Get Involved: Visit our website to nominate a tree, learn more about the project, or find out how you can participate in other ways. We are excited to collaborate with everyone in Tempe to celebrate our natural heritage and work towards a greener future.
Contact Us:
To nominate a Tree: Nomination Form
Contact Us: [email protected]to sign up to volunteer or learn more about our mission. Together, let’s make Tempe greener and more historically rich, one tree at a time!
Together, let’s cultivate a deeper connection with and protect the natural wonders of Tempe.
Newsletter #1
Newsletter 1 – Arizona Cypress at ASU
Newsletter #2
Newsletter 2 – Carob Tree Daley Park
Newsletter #3
Newsletter #4
Newsletter 4 – The Tree that Owns Itself
Newsletter #5